Why Prexion CBCT Can be the Right Choice for Your Practice? Prexion offers a number of CBCT machines that can help growing practices get the biggest bang for their buck. With over 15 years of experience in 3D image reconstruction processing and software visualization, Prexion offers several CBCT machines that can help growing practices get the biggest bang for their buck. There are several key factors involved in the selection and purchase of a CBCT machine to ensure that it will be the right fit for dental practices. Given that not all machines are the same, there is a need to evaluate each factor in the context of your own practice needs or even financial position. In an interview on the Dental Economics website, the Prexion team discussed some of the features on the new Prexion Excelsior CBCT that dental practices can leverage, which include : 1. Smallest Focal Point This allows users to reconstruct the CBCT 3-D image with incredibly sharp clarity ....